Evening Classes

We offer various group based training classes,
our current classes are listed below.
Current Classes
Puppy Class (Every Monday except Holidays)
Junior Kindergarten – puppies under 18 weeks 6:15pm
Basic One – This class is for dogs over 6 months of age that have not had any formal training. Learn the basics and give your dog the tools for success by learning commands such as Sit, Down, Attention to name etc. This is the next level for puppies.
Basic Two - Dogs that have the Basic One and have trained with us previously. If your dog has trained elsewhere, your pup will need to complete the basic challenge test to make sure this is the right class for them. This class includes learning things like hand signals, hands free heeling, place work, longer stays more distractions.
Training with a clicker - Dogs learn really well with a marker based method. A clicker is a amazing way to communicate with your dog and capture precise actions to that you can mark with the clicker or verbal response of yes. Take this 3 week class to learn more about clicker MAGIC!
K9 Manners - For dogs that know their basic commands but ignore their owners in the face of distractions. Real life scenarios, teaching things like self control and manners (ie. say please etc.)
Tricks for Fun and Training Tricks are for fun but they are also useful as well. Tricks can give your dog alternative behaviours to do when needed, they also help build your bond with you and your dog! You can also earn ribbons and titles for fun as well!
Fungility - Is a really fun way to spend some time with your dog and both of you get some exercise, this class is not to be confused with AGILITY but it will give you and your dog an introduction into that sport while having fun as well!
Reactive Dogs - This is for dogs that 'react' to things like other dogs, people, vehicles, etc. dogs that are not necessarily aggressive but look aggressive and make big loud displays. Class focuses on confidence building for the dogs and humans, foundation behaviors, escape plans and home management. First class is without dogs.
Reactive Level Two - Dogs in this class must have completed our level one reactive class or be approved by our staff. This class takes these dogs out in public to dog friendly areas, working on keeping their focus and working with the owners to focus on their dog, surroundings, and relaxing tension on the leash. First class without dogs.
Workshops on Loose Leash Walking and Reliable Recall - Offered occasionally when there is interest.
Not sure which class is right for you? Please email us and we will help you make this choice based on your dogs previous training.